
The Ellacuría Tapes project was made possible thanks to a generous grant by Mission & Identity in the Office of the President.  A special projects grant from CAS Dean’s Office provided further support. Kyle Roberts, Assistant Professor of History and Digital Humanities, helped us develop this project. We thank him for his generosity in sharing his public history wisdom with us.

Lead Designer and Curator: Katie Macica, doctoral candidate in American and Public History

Lead Content Writer and Co-Designer: Albert Salatka, senior History/Philosophy major and LUROP fellow

Co-Content Writer: Kendyl Berger, senior INTS/SPAN major and Latin American Studies minor

Translator and Tape Curator: Alex Korte, MA candidate in Spanish

Translator and Tape Curator: Lorena Rios, senior INTS/SPAN major and Latin American Studies minor

Producer and Project Manager: Dr. Dina Berger, Department of History

Many of the images used in this exhibit come from a variety of collections in Loyola University’s Archives and Special Collections. Students in Prof. Berger’s Cold War in the Americas class first worked with these materials in an exhibit "Voices in Solidarity with El Salvador: Campus Activism in the 1980s" completed in Fall 2013.* The Museo de la Palabra y Imagen in San Salvador, El Salvador generously gave us permission to use photographs from their online collection. Daria Taylor, senior International Film and Media Studies, edited the tapes. Prof. Miguel Díaz, John Courtney Murray University Chair in Public Service, contributed the section on Liberation Theology. A special thanks to the folks in University Marketing and Communications, especially Drew Sottardi, who indulged and made possible our idea to develop an interactive feature for Loyola’s Martrys Memorial.


*Students who worked on this project included: Albert Salatka, Melanie Zagorski, Juan Basadre, Ulysses Hernandez, Paige Borrelli, Austin Quinn, Nathan Anderson, Angie D’Souza, Evan Johnson, Miguel Lopez-Campos, and Caitlin Strange.
