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  • Tags: volunteering

Rebecca Stolz (BA ’06) (left) and Karla Rourke (BA ’02) (right) volunteer at the Ballona Wetlands in Los Angeles during the 2008 National Day of Service.

Audrey Skinner (BA ’04) is joined by John Halrez Jr. (BA ’07) and other volunteers at Casa Catalina in the Back of the Yards neighborhood of Chicago during the Loyola National Day of Service on April 19, 2008.

Barbara Weigel (BA ’70) and Mary Franklin (SCPS ’08) help with cleaning and beautification of the Chicago Jesuit Academy campus during the 2008 National Day of Service.

Rebecca Stolz (BA ’06) clearing brush at Ballona Wetlands in Los Angeles during the Loyola National Day of Service on April 19, 2008.
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