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  • Tags: school spirit

Sheet music for the songs "Hail Loyola," written by George W. Kowalski and "Fight for Alma Mater," written by Robert Healy,

Sheet music for "Loyola Men," written by Mary Steffen and Art Wise during the 1930s as a stein, or drinking, song.

Sheet music for "All Hail Maroon and Gold" by B.G. Gross, written in 1974.

Copy of Hobo.jpg
Bo Rambler, a short-lived mascot who started leading the cheers for the Loyola basketball team in 1982.

Bo Rambler with a child fan during the DePaul v. Loyola game on January 21, 1989.

Sheet music for "Hail to You, Loyola," composed by John Reinke, S.J., and Greg Luckhaupt, M.M., in 1986.

Sheet music for "Loyola Anthem," written by Raymond Bellock, with music by Walter Dellers, 1931.
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